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  3. > debbiecarol
33 years
Usuária desde Outubro de 2014
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Baseado em 0 avaliações em comum
  • Nenhum filme assistido.

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  • Filmow

    O Oscar 2017 está logo aí e teremos o nosso tradicional BOLÃO DO OSCAR FILMOW!

    Serão 3 vencedores no Bolão com prêmios da loja Chico Rei para os três participantes que mais acertarem nas categorias da premiação. (O 1º lugar vai ganhar um kit da Chico Rei com 01 camiseta + 01 caneca + 01 almofada; o 2º lugar 01 camiseta da Chico Rei; e o 3º lugar 01 almofada da Chico Rei.)

    Vem participar da brincadeira com a gente, acesse para votar.
    Boa sorte! :)

    * Lembrando que faremos uma transmissão ao vivo via Facebook e Youtube da Casa Filmow na noite da cerimônia, dia 26 de fevereiro. Confirme presença no evento

  • Mian Hanan
    Mian Hanan

    You know and she was telling me that I really need to charge for good information and you know time is the most precious commodity that we have you know I spend my time making music video you'll spend your time watching them but this feels right for me he feels right to give this information out there like I'm saying my spirit is heavy and part of the reason that my spirit that’s heavy use when I don't from the messages out so we just have to we have to figure outcome other way for me to monetize the process and I do believe in the abundance of the universe and Idol believe that the time Took show will be able.

  • barba ngie
    barba ngie

    Homosexuality the way they do you're homophobic you're a hater your you're somehow didn't mind getting their constitutional rights it into Juneau right in the constitution to redefine marriage there's no right there’s no constitutionally protected right to tear down the moral structure that gave us this nation and again we are three in this sense you believe what you want to believe but don’t tear down leery moral view that gave you the freedom not to believe in God or not to be moral if you want to be.

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