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  3. > Alone in Love
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Título 연애시대 / Yeon-ae-si-dae (Original)
Ano produção 2006
Dirigido por
3 de Abril de 2006 ( Mundial )
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Yoo Eun Ho (Son Yeh Jin), an instructor at a fitness club divorced her husband Lee Dong Gin (Kam Woo Sung) after the death of their new born baby as she blamed him for not being there for her when she needed him most. They remained friends after the divorce and met regularly. Even though both started seeing other people, they still had great feelings towards each other. With the help of YEH's sister Yoo Ji Ho (Lee Ha Na) and LDG's friend, Dr. Gong Jeon pyo (Gong Hyeong Gin), they finally realized that they should get back together.


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