Through My Thick Glasses


Through My Thick Glasses

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Média geral 3.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
13 minutos

On a snowy day in Oslo, a grandfather gets his young granddaughter ready to go outside. She wears thick glasses and stares silently at him. As he puts her cap on her, he tells the story of how he came to Oslo as a lad during World War II, orphaned in the countryside when the Germans tried to capture his parents and he went to live with his aunt. She's a formidable woman, full of surprises as the lad tries to join the resistance, plans to leave for England to join the fight, and finds himself arrested. Grandfather's story continues through the end of the war. Who's his audience?

Estreia Mundial:
10 de Junho de 2004
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