Bunker of Blood: Chapter 3


Death Heads: Brain Drain

Média geral 2.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 76 minutos

The third chapter in the splat-tastic horror 'greatest hits' film series spotlighting some of the studio's strangest and sickest sequences framed by an all new narrative, This time, we follow the further adventures of a masochistic drifter trapped in the lair of "The Gore Collector", a sadistic curator of carnage who was has chosen the drifter to be the heir to take over his evil operation.

Estreia Mundial:
15 de Outubro de 2018
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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