Christian Death: The Heretics Alive


Christian Death: The Heretics Alive

Média geral 3.5
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
90 minutos

This video features Christian Death "Live" at the Marquee, London June 10, 1989 and has been compiled in an effort to recreate, for the viewer, the atmosphere of going to the concert in the flesh. From the onset you are delivered to the front of the Marquee where you meet other concert-goers as they are interviewed by Mick Mercer. Then a peek inside at stage preparations before the doors open. Upon entering the venue there is a brief performance by support act "Population 2" made up of members of the Christian Death stage crew. Change-room scenes follow, then Christian Death live on stage.

Also included, at the beginning of this video, is rare footage from various other live performances and documentation footage featuring an in depth interview of "Valor" (recorded ,July 1989) by Mick Mercer author and freelance journalist of such publications as "The Black Book Of Gothic Rock" and "Melody Maker", amongst others.

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