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Média geral 4.5
baseado em 1 votos

Ficha técnica completa

Título Gangster (Original)
Ano produção 2006
Dirigido por
28 de Abril de 2006 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 117 minutos
Países de Origem


Daya Shankar lived with his family in Kashmir, but then subsequently re-located to Bombay where he took to crime as a career. One day while on the run from the Police, he holes up in a small room with a young bar dancer, Simran. She shields him from the Police, and he falls in love. He finds out the bar she dances in and comes in silently to watch her perform. He had come to her rescue when she was being molested and thereafter asked her to move in with him, which she did. For sometime it was as though they seemed to be living in bliss, then all of a sudden, they were on the run again. Then Daya decided that it was time to settle down, and they adopted a young boy, Bittu, made different passports, and decided to re-locate to Dubai. That did not happen, instead Bittu gets killed, and a heart-broken Simran and Daya are forced to live apart, with Simran moving to Seoul, Korea. It is here that she meets with Akash and both fall in love...

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