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Média geral 3.2
baseado em 9 votos

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Título Holiday High School Reunion (Original)
Ano produção 2012
Dirigido por
2012 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 80 minutos
Classificação L - Livre para todos os públicos
Países de Origem


Twenty-eight-year-old Georgia is convinced the man of her dreams is the one "that got away" back in high school. Though she's tried dating other men, they just never seem to compare to her high school flame. When Georgia learns of her high school reunion a week before Christmas, she's ecstatic to finally have her chance to win Craig back. But as she gets to relive high school for a night, she begins to realize it might not be Craig at all who got away, but Ben, an old friend with whom she'd fallen out of touch

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