Il cappotto di Astrakan


Il cappotto di Astrakan

Outros títulos
  • Double für Maurice - Alemanha
  • The Persian Lamb Coat - Estados Unidos da América
  • Le manteau d'astrakan - França
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14 - Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos 105 minutos

Piero arrives in Paris from Luino after having won a pool tournament with friends. In the train he meets the famous place Ramazzini and has so many incidents that culminated with his arrest and the confiscation by the commissioner Juvet. Released, find randomly hospitality at the madame Lenormand and know the great painter Valentine. Both women are tied up, as a wife and lover, Maurice, in prison for robbery. A day Piero wears a mistake and the coat of astrakhan, Maurice, and then...

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