KFZ Kentucky Fried Zombie


KFZ Kentucky Fried Zombie

Outros títulos
  • Die-ner (Get It?) - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 1.1
baseado em 4 votos
Sua avaliação:
14 - Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos 78 minutos

Ken is a wandering and unassuming serial killer who enters a forsaken and empty diner during the graveyard shift. After a long conversation with the diner's lone waitress Rose, Ken kills her and promptly delivers the same fate to the diner's cook Fred. As Ken cleans up the bloody mess and deposits Rose and Fred in the walk-in freezer, company arrives. A young, unhappy married couple Rob and Kathy stop by the diner only to be followed by the arrival of Sheriff Duke Purdett. Ken now finds himself in the middle of a rousing game of cat and mouse which he manages well until the unthinkable happens. Back from the dead, Rose and Fred emerge from the freezer and start walking around! Once an unflappable serial killer, Ken now holds the young couple and wounded sheriff captive, trying frantically to escape the zombie predators.

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