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Título La verita secondo Satana (Original)
Ano produção 1972
Dirigido por
13 de Maio de 1972 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 85 minutos
Classificação 18 - Não recomendado para menores de 18 anos
Países de Origem


A man (Isarco Ravaioli) wants to commit suicide due the coldheartness and egoism of his fiancee, played by Rita Calderoni. After he “plays” a few times Russian roulette without the intentioned effect.., he calls Calderoni and tells her he wants to kill himself, she visits him without knowing what awaits her.. the man takes his knife and tortures her a bit with his knife..then he stabs himself in the stomach..and dies..or not?. Rita wants to get rid of the corpse and hides the corpse in a chest. But she gets more problems when she notices a man from her window who has seen everything. The crazy man (as if he came from an Italian comedy) is a wacky guy, who seems to take everything cool and not serious is invited to come in and starts to play the sadist. He throws some meatpieces on Rita´s nude body just to feed the dog, and after that when Calderonis “slave”, a black woman visits them, commands her to whip Calderoni. After this, Calderoni wants to make it that the black woman was the murder, but the woman (her personal “plaything” by the way..) has no interest to help her. Rita starts to get crazy.

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