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Média geral 4.0
baseado em 4 votos

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Título Ru meng (Original)
Ano produção 2009
Dirigido por
2009 ( Brasil )
Outras datas
Duração 118 minutos
Países de Origem


Since his cat died, Max (Daniel Wu) has been having some weird dreams. He imagines meeting a mysterious Chinese girl (Yolanda Yuan Quan) outside his plush office building. Almost like a ghost, she drifts through his subconscious, pining for an ex-boyfriend who jumped to his death, abandoning her. Try as he might, Max cannot reason with the girl, yet each night is able to spend a little more time with her before he wakes up. The problem is, Max lives in New York, doesn't recognise the city his dreams take place in, and can't speak Mandarin half as well as his subconscious self does. He doesn't recognise the girl either, but as the dreams continue he becomes increasingly convinced that she is real and on a business trip to Shanghai, suddenly spots her in the street.

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