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Título Moest väljas (Original)
Ano produção 2015
Dirigido por
16 de Setembro de 2015 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 60 minutos
Países de Origem


We live in an era of global consumption where the rate of consumption is increasing exponentially. It's no secret that the fashion industry is at the forefront of this consumption rally. Thousands of factories in the third world produce not only clothing for big corporations, but also tons and tons of toxic waste. Fashion designer Ret Aus has an ambitious plan to change the world. Aus has realized that the only way to fight against the fashion industry is from the inside. The documentary "Out of Fashion" follows Reet Aus's journey from Tallinn, through the fashion stages of Europe and the cotton plantations of South America, and right into the epicenter of mass production in Bangladesh. The documentary was filmed from 2009-2014.



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