Fique Longe de Mim


Stai lontana di me

Outros títulos
  • Stay away from me - Estados Unidos da América
Média geral 3.0
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Jacopo (Enrico Brignano) has a serious problem. He may be a brilliant marriage guidance counsellor, but he can never manage to have a steady relationship for more than two weeks. And for good reason: since he was very young, Jacopo has been cursed and brought bad luck to every woman who has fallen in love with him. Really bad luck. Because of this, he has vowed to stay away from women, for their own good. But the moment he lays eyes on Sara (a radiant Ambra Angiolini, The Immature and The Immature: The Trip) at a friend’s birthday party, he is smitten.

Despite his resistance, the two fall head over heels leading to back-to-back, laugh-out-loud moments of disaster! Sara will quickly learn the consequences of her choice as the limits of her love are put to the test in this smart, stylish and very loveable romantic comedy.

Estreia Mundial:
14 de Novembro de 2013
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