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Média geral 2.9
baseado em 13 votos

Ficha técnica completa

Título The Black Door (Original)
Ano produção 2001
Dirigido por
2001 ( Brasil )
Outras datas
Duração 96 minutos
Classificação 18 - Não recomendado para menores de 18 anos
Países de Origem


Seattle, USA, 1999. At the demand of MEG, a camera crew investigates the strange course of events that brought STEVEN H., her boyfriend, to be hospitalized. Steven's condition is serious. His body has been severely lacerated by an unknown assailant. The doctors think it could be a wild animal, or maybe even a man with extremely long and hard nails. Steven is also suffering from a mysterious infection that spreads inside him at an alarming speed... The camera crew investigates on Steven's past weeks, hoping to find the truth and learn what really happened to him. Steven was doing historical research on trading between Mexico and the US, and had focused his work on a man called Balmaseda, a prosperous Mexican businessman who disappeared in 1932. This apparently innocuous research led Steven to a much darker discovery...(IMDB)

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