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  3. > The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet
Média geral 4.4
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Ficha técnica completa

Título Das Netz (Original)
Ano produção 2006
Dirigido por
2006 ( Brasil )
Outras datas
Duração 121 minutos
Classificação L - Livre para todos os públicos
Países de Origem


The Net explores the complex back-story of Ted Kaczynski, dubbed by the CIA as the "Unabomber". An inquiry into the rationale of this notable figure situates him within a late 20th Century web of technology - a system that he grew to oppose. Incorporating a subversive approach to the history of the Internet, the documentary combines speculative travelogue and investigative journalism to trace contrasting counter cultural responses to the cybernetic revolution.

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