Voce é Especial


You Are Special

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The little wooden people called Wemmicks scurry about their days doing what they always do: sticking gold stars on the pretty and talented Wemmicks or gray dots on those who make mistakes. But now the stickering is all the more important. The Festival is at hand. That means that the envied Most Stars Award and the dreaded Most Dots Award are about to be given out. And poor Punchinello is sure to be a shoo-in for the Most Dots. But thanks to a new friend, he is about to learn a very important lesson that kids of all ages need to hear: no matter how others judge their worth, God cherishes each of them just as they are. Now this award-winning story, drawn from the classic bestseller, comes to life in this fully animated video with songs for your kids to sing along with. They’ll love it because it’s so much fun. You’ll love it because of the eternal truth it teaches them: You Are Precious in His Sight.

Estreia Mundial:
7 de Setembro de 2000
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