Wings of the Dragon


Wings of the Dragon

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The Circle of Honor is a secret fight club with members and fans all over the world. Its traditions of to-the-death fight matches date back to medieval China. The world champion Circle of Honor fighter holds the magical Wings of the Dragon swords until another comes along who is greater. Jackson Lee, a modern day warrior, a descendant of the bloodline from the original five Shao Lin warriors, is caught between a past he can't change, and a destiny he can't avoid. Over one thousand years ago Chinese Emperor "XUANZOG" from the "TANG DYNASTY" decreed that at every full moon, the best warriors, representing their respective families should meet in a fight to the death, in "the Circle of Honor". To the victor, the prize, two swords "The Wings of the Dragon". Jackson Lee has held the swords for almost fifteen years. In that time, Lee has grown weary of the killing and the cult that celebrates it and refuses any but annual championship bouts. The younger fighters want to beat him, and so the... a

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