Mirror for a Hero


Зеркало для героя

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  • Zerkalo dlja geroja - Rússia
Média geral 2.2
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Two not quite similar men, our contemporaries, Sergey Pshenichny and Andrew Nemchinov, are walking in the street in their native miners town and found themselves in 1949. Its a common knowledge that real miracles happen without technical devices: time comes miracle happens. They spend in 1949 only one day, the next morning they found that it is the same day that was yesterday. All several months, they spent in the past, they spent in one and the same day: the 8th of May, Sunday, the day of heightened coal production. In the morning to the coal mine, in an hour an accident in a coalface, at 10 oclock wire from the Ministry, after work reunion concerning the Stalins anniversary; robbing of pay desk, death of policeman Ryabenko, in the evening - volunteer Sunday work...and in the morning the same, and so for ever and ever Philosophic fiction, accompanied by music of group Nautilus Pompillius. After a novel of S.Rybasa of the same name.

Estreia Mundial:
16 de Abril de 1988
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