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Lista criada por Mr.Boddah mrboddah
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Oscar - Melhor Documentário

Todos os vencedores do Oscar na categoria Melhor Documentário de longa-metragem.

Lista editada há 6 anos

76 0

Você já viu 0 dos 76 filmes desta lista.
  1. In the Shadow of the Stars (In the Shadow of the Stars)

    In the Shadow of the Stars

    2.2 0
  2. Vitória no Deserto (Desert Victory)

    Vitória no Deserto

    3.3 2 Assista Agora
  3. Design for Death (Design for Death)

    Design for Death

  4. Kon-Tiki (Kon-Tiki)


    4.0 11
  5. O Mar que nos Cerca (The Sea Around Us)

    O Mar que nos Cerca

    3.0 2
  6. mundo silencioso (the silente world)

    mundo silencioso

    3.4 2
  7. Albert Schweitzer (Albert Schweitzer)

    Albert Schweitzer

    2.2 0
  8. Le Ciel et la boue (Le Ciel et la boue)

    Le Ciel et la boue

    2.0 0
  9. Black Fox: The True Story of Adolf Hitler (Black Fox: The True Story of Adolf Hitler)

    Black Fox: The True Story of Adolf Hitler

    3.8 0
  10. Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World (Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World)

    Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World

    2.0 2
  11. Mundo Sem Sol (Le Monde sans soleil)

    Mundo Sem Sol

    3.3 4
  12. La section Anderson (La section Anderson)

    La section Anderson

    2.5 0
  13. The Great American Cowboy (The Great American Cowboy)

    The Great American Cowboy

    2.2 2
  14. Who Are the DeBolts? (Who Are the DeBolts? [And Where Did They Get 19 Kids?])

    Who Are the DeBolts?

    1.5 0
  15. Scared Straight! (Scared Straight!)

    Scared Straight!

    3.6 1
  16. Just Another Missing Kid (Just Another Missing Kid)

    Just Another Missing Kid

    3.5 0
  17. He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin' (He Makes Me Feel Like Dancing)

    He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin'

    4.2 0
  18. Os Tempos de Harvey Milk (The Times of Harvey Milk)

    Os Tempos de Harvey Milk

    4.5 22
  19. Broken Rainbow (Broken Rainbow)

    Broken Rainbow

    3.0 0
  20. Down and Out in America (Down and Out in America)

    Down and Out in America

    4.0 0
  21. The Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table (The Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table)

    The Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin …

    2.8 0
  22. I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School (I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School)

    I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School

    2.0 1
  23. Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision (Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision)

    Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision

    2.8 2
  24. Quando Éramos Reis (When We Were Kings)

    Quando Éramos Reis

    4.3 30
  25. O Longo Caminho Para Casa (The Long Way Home)

    O Longo Caminho Para Casa

    3.9 6 Assista Agora
  26. Razgrom nemetskikh voysk pod Moskvoy (Razgrom nemetskikh voysk pod Moskvoy)

    Razgrom nemetskikh voysk pod Moskvoy

    3.7 1
  27. A Batalha de Midway (The Battle of Midway)

    A Batalha de Midway

    3.2 9
  28. Kokoda Front Line! (Kokoda Front Line!)

    Kokoda Front Line!

    3.3 1
  29. Belonave (The Fighting Lady)


    2.5 1
  30. The Secret Land (The Secret Land)

    The Secret Land

    2.2 1
  31. Daybreak in Udi (Daybreak in Udi)

    Daybreak in Udi

    0.8 2
  32. O Drama do Deserto (The Living Desert)

    O Drama do Deserto

    4.0 4 Assista Agora
  33. The Unconquered (The Unconquered)

    The Unconquered

    3.0 0
  34. O Ártico selvagem (White wilderness)

    O Ártico selvagem

    2.2 2
  35. Ao Leste do Congo (Serengeti Darf Nicht Sterben)

    Ao Leste do Congo

  36. The Horse with the Flying Tail (The Horse with the Flying Tail)

    The Horse with the Flying Tail

    0.5 2


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