A Grande Aventura


La Gran Aventura

Média geral 3.0
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Yolanda (60) writes scripts for the radio soap "Mankind's Great Adventure" on Radio Progreso - Cuba. In his novel, the French sculptor Camille Claudel suffers for a love that leads to loneliness and madness. While the writer works on her script and tries to involve her son in the process, the drama of the novel embodies some of their own conflicts. On the other hand, the radio soap is being heard by Margarita (75), a blind woman who spends her days doing housework while listening to the radio which, along with her dog, is the only company she has. In different ways, these two women are connected by the drama, with its feminine universe of lost dreams. But by breaking the mechanism of fiction, the fragility of the world created by Yolanda is revealed and Margarita has to find ways to overcome her own dissatisfaction, in two small adventures that give life some meaning.

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