A Mentira


La Mentira

Média geral 2.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
97 minutos

When Demetrio (Jorge Mistral) arrives at the mine to be meet his brother Ricardo, finds that he has committed suicide for the love of a woman. He promises to avenge the death of his brother. He travels to La Habana where Veronica and Virginia live. Demetrio marries Veronica (Marga Lopez) and without wedding trip takes her to live in the mine where unexpectedly starts treating her rudely expecting her to confess being the reason for the death of his brother. Veronica flees to La Habana as Ricardo finds out that she is not the reason of the death of Ricardo but another woman. Demetrio runs after Veronica who on reaching La Habana discovers that the cause of the death of Ricardo is her cousin Virginia (Gina Cabrera), who, after being discovered commits suicide. Demetrio apologizes to Veronica and everything comes to good end.

Estreia Mundial:
9 de Outubro de 1952
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