Beppes Godnattstund (1ª Temporada)


Beppes Godnattstund (Säsong 1)

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Sua avaliação:
ER - Especialmente recomendado para crianças e adolescentes 90 minutos

Beppes Godnattstund was a children's program of the SVT broadcast and had five seasons with slightly different designs, between 1968 and 1974 and has since been widely re-run.
The first season aired the program in black and white and had a lot of attention for its unique content.
Beppe Wolgers was wearing pajamas in a big bed, along with the puppets Hungran, Busan, Gas Fired and Kraman.
Sigrid who is sitting next to the potty always ends the program with his only reply "Fäääääärdig!", which brought the then defunct Beppe.
The latter program even showed the fantasies of the puppets.
Hungran was very fond of food and his favorite was the meatballs and Busan was the energetic and enterprising puppet.
He called Beppe as the "giant baby in recorded hood."
The program discussed the puppets and the "giant baby with recorded hood" and everything under the sun in a childish but very serious way.
The program opened with the signature tune that is part of Johann Sebastian Bach's 3rd orchestral suite by the end of the 1800's, which was called by the popular name "Air", but was sung by an a cappella group called Swingle Singers, who called the song "Aria".
Bernt Franckie who made the puppets also did voice Hungran.
Beppe wife Kerstin Wolgers did voice Gas Fired, producer Ulla Berglund did Kraman and Sigrid and Beppe himself did Busan.
Alice Babs also participated in the series.

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