Inferno sobre rodas



Outros títulos
  • Hell on Wheels - Estados Unidos da América
Média geral 3.2
baseado em 4 votos
Sua avaliação:
123 minutos

Höllentour is a film about the 2003 edition of the Tour de France, following the trials and tribulations (of which there are many) of Erik Zabel and Rolf Aldag, two riders of the German "Team Telekom". But the cameras also show you what goes on before and after the events of the stages, with a few historical bits of film thrown in. It's a fascinating document about one of the world's largest sporting events, and it's even quite interesting if you're not that keen on Road Race Cycling. At two hours total length however, the film is just a few minutes too long. One or two scenes could have been cut without loosing anything. As this is the only complaint I have I'll give it 9/10, as it is definitely a film I will buy once it comes out on DVD!

Estreia Brasil:
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