Lugar de Mulher


Woman's Place

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12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 60 minutos

Josephine Gerson (Talmadge) is selected by the woman's party as their candidate for mayor and her fiancé accepts the "machine" nomination, and their engagement ends. In her conflict with the boss of the opposition party Jim Bradley (Harlan), mutual love develops with each determined to win. In an election speech as novel as it is effective, Josephine wins the male voters of the pivotal ninth ward. However, her campaign's neglect of the female vote results in her defeat at the polls by 27 votes. Natural gloom at the loss is dispelled when Bradley announces that he has been won over by her policies and appoints her constituents to vital offices, and a happy ending results.

Estreia Brasil:
17 de Outubro de 1921
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