Mulan Joins the Army


Hua Mulan Cong Jun

Outros títulos
  • Hua Mulan Joins the Army - Estados Unidos da América
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A silent film based on the legend of Hua Mulan, released by Tianyi Film Company and directed by Li Pingqian. This silent film holds the distinction of being the first ever full-length feature film about Hua Mulan. Mulan is betrothed to a young man when war arrives and their wedding ceremony has to be put on hold. As her fiancé enlists in the army, so too does the filial Mulan, disguised as a man in place of her ailing father. These new plot twists lead to comedic moments when Mulan encounters her fiancé during training and he does not recognize her.

Estreia Mundial:
30 de Novembro de 1927
Outras datas

Elenco de Mulan Joins the Army

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