My Grandpa


Watashi no Guranpa

Média geral 3.0
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
14 - Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos 113 minutos

Based on the novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui. - Godai Tamako is 13 years old, in her first year of junior high school and living a very ordinary life with her loving parents and grandmother. The story begins when her 68-year-old grandfather, Kenzo, returns home after spending 13 years in prison. At first Tamako is unsure what to make of Kenzo, whose behaviour is out of synch with the times, but when she sees him step in to resolve a bullying incident and witnesses the obvious affection of the townspeople for his upright manner, she gradually opens her heart to him. But one day Kenzo is summoned by the boss of the yakuza that controls the town...

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