The Maniac Responsible


...a tutte le auto della polizia...

Outros títulos
  • Without Trace - Estados Unidos da América
  • Calling All Police Cars - Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
Dirigido por:
Média geral 3.8
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
95 minutos

A story about a young girl who is the daughter a prominent doctor. When the girl goes missing her father gets the police to jump into action because of his class status / wealth. Early on this provides one in the story this provides one of the many intricate back stories. There is a loose cannon detective who takes offense to the fact that the police bend over backwards when someone of wealth is involved and drag their feet when it is someone from a poverty background. Things quickly change when the young girls body is discovered and this detective become more sympathetic towards her.

Estreia Mundial:
28 de Agosto de 1975
Outras datas

Elenco de The Maniac Responsible

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