

Bureojin Hwasal

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  • 부러진 화살 - Coreia do Sul
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Professor Kim Kyung-Ho (Ahn Sung-Ki) insists that a math question for the 1995 university entrance exam is wrong. Later, Kim Kyung-Ho is not retained by his university. Kim Kyung-Ho then starts a lawsuit against the university. The residing judge over the case is Park Bong-Joo (Kim Eung-Soo). By January 12, 2007, the lawsuit is decided in favor of the university. Three days later, Professor Kim Kyung-Ho waits outside of the judge's apartment with a crossbow. When the judge appears he sees Professor Kim Kyung-Ho walking towards him with a crossbow. The judge and the professor have a physical struggle. An apartment security guard arrives and separates them. The judge tells the security guard to call the police and keeps a shot arrow as evidence. The media are whipped into a frenzy over the incident. Professor Kim Kyung-Ho is arrested, but maintains that he did not shoot the judge. The judge insists he was shot by an arrow.

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Elenco de Unbowed

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