Celebrity Crush


Celebrity Crush

Outros títulos
  • Chain-Face Clown - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 1.1
baseado em 6 votos
Sua avaliação:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 91 minutos

When the B horror movie ‘Chain-Face Clown’ was released in 1985, no one knew the film would one day become a classic. Heralded as a cinematic “tour de force”, well, at least by a select group of horror movie fans. The film’s biggest fan, 29-year-old Emily Lynessa always knew she was going to meet and fall in love with Jonathan Blaklee, the star of the movie. She has idolised him, and the film, ever since she can remember.
Her plan is simple: meet Jonathan at an upcoming autograph signing for the DVD re-release of ‘Chain-Face Clown’, and seduce him. She will lure him back to her home, where Jonathan will be imprisoned until he realizes Emily is the one for him.

Estreia Mundial:
21 de Junho de 2019
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