The Thunderbolt


The Thunderbolt

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New York broker Bruce Corbin comes to Kentucky to force Allan Pomeroy, whom Bruce can prove is a forger, to give him his daughter Ruth in marriage. Even though she loves Spencer Vail, Ruth agrees, and despite Pomeroy's death, they wed. Ruth soon discovers that Bruce, to avenge his father's death in a feud with the Pomeroys, married her so that she would be childless, thus ending the Pomeroy family. Because Bruce was born during a thunderstorm, he temporarily goes insane whenever he hears a thunderbolt and forgets his actions while affected. Knowing this, Ruth seduces him during a storm, the night before he is to leave for a year. Later, when Bruce sees Ruth's child, he starts to choke it, believing it to be Vail's, but Ruth stops him by telling him of the stormy night. After four years in a distant marriage pass, Bruce loses his fortune because of another thunderbolt. Ruth leaves, but later they are reconciled because of the child.

Estreia Mundial:
6 de Outubro de 1919
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