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  3. > matteiabeatriz
25 years (BRA)
Usuária desde Novembro de 2012
Grau de compatibilidade cinéfila
Baseado em 0 avaliações em comum

Últimas opiniões enviadas

  • Beatriz

    "I don’t know if I will have the time to write anymore letters because I might be too busy trying to participate. So if this does end up being the last letter, I just want you to know I was in a bad place before I started high school and you helped me. Even if you didn’t know what I was talking about or know someone who has gone through it, you made me not feel alone. ‘Cause I know there are people say all these things don’t happen and there are people who forget what it’s like to be sixteen when they turn seventeen. I know these will be stories some day and our pictures will become old photographs and we will all become somebody’s mom or dad. But right now, these moments are not stories. This is happening. I am here and I am looking at her and she is so beautiful.
    I can see it. Just one moment when you know you are not a sad story. You are alive. And you stand up and see the lights and the buildings and everything that makes you wonder.
    And you’re listening to that song on that drive with the people you love most in this world.
    And in this moment, I swear, we are infinite."

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  • Filmow

    O Oscar 2017 está logo aí e teremos o nosso tradicional BOLÃO DO OSCAR FILMOW!

    Serão 3 vencedores no Bolão com prêmios da loja Chico Rei para os três participantes que mais acertarem nas categorias da premiação. (O 1º lugar vai ganhar um kit da Chico Rei com 01 camiseta + 01 caneca + 01 almofada; o 2º lugar 01 camiseta da Chico Rei; e o 3º lugar 01 almofada da Chico Rei.)

    Vem participar da brincadeira com a gente, acesse para votar.
    Boa sorte! :)

    * Lembrando que faremos uma transmissão ao vivo via Facebook e Youtube da Casa Filmow na noite da cerimônia, dia 26 de fevereiro. Confirme presença no evento

  • Bianca Pessoa
    Bianca Pessoa

    Vou bem também, Beatriz!

  • Bianca Pessoa
    Bianca Pessoa

    Obrigada por aceitar, Beatriz! Como vai?

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