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Xie Lei Lei

Nomes Alternativos: Hana | Leilei

0Número de Fãs

Nascimento: 1 de Dezembro de 1998 (25 years)

- China

On July 25, 2015, during SNH48's second General Election, Xie was announced as one of the fifth-generation members of SNH48. On December 4, she made her first public performance during Team XII's first stage, "Theater no Megami".On December 26, she participated in SNH48's second Request Time.

On April 20, 2016, Xie was transferred to GNZ48, and became part of Team G.On April 29, she made her stage debut as a GNZ48 member during Team G's first stage, "Theater no Megami".On May 20, she became part of the senbatsu for SNH48's twelfth EP, "Dream Land". On July 30, during SNH48's third General Election, she was ranked 40th with 13550.0 votes,meanwhile she came in first within GNZ48. On November 11, she, along with other members of GNZ48, was appointed ambassador of CrossFire.

On January 7, 2017, Xie participated in SNH48's third Request Time. On April 29, she was voted as GNZ48 Annual Theater MVP for the year 2016.On June 10, she attended a promotional event for JoyDay Yogurt in Shenzhen. On July 11, she starred in Studio48-produced drama Legend of Yun Xi.On July 29, during SNH48's fourth General Election, Xie came in 32nd with 23927.8 votes, meanwhile coming in second within GNZ48.

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