12 Paces without a Head


Zwölf Meter ohne Kopf

Outros títulos
  • 12 Meter ohne Kopf - Alemanha
  • 12 Pasos sin Cabeza, la Leyenda de un Pirata - Espanha
  • Red Gallion : La légende du Corsaire Rouge - França
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Média geral 4.0
baseado em 3 votos
Sua avaliação:
108 minutos

12 Paces Without a Head is a 2009 film set in the Baltic in 1401. The film centers on the German folk hero Klaus Störtebeker, who was a pirate at the time. The title comes from a legend which asserts that when he was captured by the Hanseatic League, he struck a deal with his captors that every one of his men whom he could walk past after being decapitated, would be let go. Störtebeker's body allegedly managed to make twelve paces before collapsing.

Estreia Mundial:
10 de Dezembro de 2009
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