7 Easy Pieces


7 Easy Pieces

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Média geral 4.6
baseado em 4 votos
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About the performing body and how it affects viscerally the people who confronts it, looks at it and participates in the transcendental experience that is its primary affect. The ceremonial and meditative are the common responses to the weeklong series of performances that took place in November 2005 in the Guggenheim Museum in New York. From an art event to a social phenomenon, the seven performances became the talk of the town because it created among the visitors a sense of sublimation like prayer. The film attempts to reveal the mechanisms of this transcendental experience by just showing the performer's body living the events inscribed in each pieces with details that outline the body fragility, versatility, tenacity and unlimited endurance.

Estreia Mundial:
30 de Março de 2010
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