A Boy of Flanders


A Boy of Flanders

Média geral 3.5
baseado em 3 votos
Sua avaliação:
70 minutos

silent juvenile orphan family relationship melodrama ("Adapted from Ouida's 'A Dog of Flanders'"; "Produced under supervision of Jack Coogan, Sr."; about a young Dutch boy who is orphaned, and the daughter of the richest man in town is the only one kind to him, but her father does all he can to drive the boy away) starring Jackie Coogan (best remembered for playing the title role in Charlie Chaplin's "The Kid" and starring as "Uncle Fester" in TV's "The Addams Family"), Nigel De Brulier, Lionel Belmore, Nell Craig, and Jeanne Carpenter. Note that in the movie, the orphan boy is helped greatly by a dog, and the part of the dog was played by "Teddy", who had appeared in many Mack Sennett comedies.

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