A Fine, Windy Day


Barambuleo joheun nal

Outros títulos
  • 바람 불어 좋은 날 - Coreia do Sul
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Sua avaliação:
10 - Não recomendado para menores de 10 anos 113 minutos

The lives of three young working-class male friends are followed in the film. Chun-shik works at a barbershop where he is in love with Miss Yu, a co-worker. Gil-nam, a hotel worker, is in love with Jin-ok, who works at a hair salon. Duk-bae, the most innocent of the trio, works at a Chinese restaurant and is torn between his affections for a factory-worker and Myung-hi, a wealthy girl.

Grand Bell Awards (1980): Best Director: Best New Actor: Ahn Sung-ki & Best Screen Adaptation
Baeksang Arts Awards (1981): Grand Award: Lee Jang-ho; Best Production: Lee Woo-suk & Best Performance by a New Actor: Kim Seong-chan

Estreia Mundial:
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Elenco de A Fine, Windy Day

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