All Along


All Along

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  • The Problem with Dick - Estados Unidos da América
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Richard Harrison has a loving wife, a reliable job and two typically rambunctious teenagers. He is currently experiencing a crisis. A midlife crisis. He's hit The Big 4-0 and his life has drastically changed. While every midlife working stiff descends into daydreams in order to escape their mundane reality, Richard doesn't merely scratch the surface of his fantasies. He physically enters them. For moments at a time, until he's forced to snap back into reality with hilarious results. Whether living a dream as a WWE-style wrestler or performing with Aerosmith to a crowd of thousands, only to find that he's made a fool of himself in reality, its clearly evident that Richard has a problem. A problem that needs to be solved in order to regain the trust of his loving family. Sara, a psychologist helps Richard trace the source of his problems, which began on a family trip to an amusement park on his 49th birthday. It was here that he revisited memories of a lover from his younger and more ...

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