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Título Amityville: Vanishing Point (Original)
Ano produção 2016
Dirigido por
2016 ( Brasil )
Outras datas
Duração 92 minutos
Classificação 12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos
Países de Origem


The Amityville legend lives on when a resident of a local boarding house dies under mysterious circumstances. Her two best friends, Brigitta and Bermuda, Bermuda's sister Sentinel, and the owner of the boarding house, Ms. Ernie, are absolutely devastated. This is not helped by the arrival of an eccentric and crude detective who never takes off his cowboy outfit, Hank Denton. Tensions run high as the girls begin to suspect their friend Margaret may still be alive; and as the detective's behavior becomes more out of control, the house itself may very well be turning on it's residents.

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