Balas Suaves


Soft Bullets

Outros títulos
  • Zarte Schusskugel - Alemanha
  • Нежни Куршуми - Bulgária
  • Balas Suaves - Espanha
  • Soft Bullets - Estados Unidos da América
  • Les Balles Velours - França
  • Нежные Пули - Rússia
  • Narin Kursunlar - Turquia
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Média geral 5.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
16 - Não recomendado para menores de 16 anos 80 minutos

Boris Bakalov - The Joker is a crime boss, behind the murder of one of the most influential men in Bulgaria. Four young women with a dark past are building their carrier in S.T.A.R - an assassin bureau. An ex spy from Government Security seeks vengeance for the death of his friend. The stories intertwine in a small town in the province, in which sex, cynicism and betrayal dominate the scene. One morning The Joker is found dead in his office. The organization falls apart. After two years of exile in Latin America its time for vendetta. Who is behind the murder of Boris Bakalov? Vera is on her way to the truth, but will she like what she finds? And what is the role of a schizophrenic, who spent five years of her life behind bars? One thing drives the story - sometimes we do bad things just because we love too much!

Estreia Mundial:
21 de Março de 2014
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