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Big Ballet

Média geral 5.0
baseado em 1 votos

Ficha técnica completa

Título Big Ballet (Original)
Ano produção 2014
Dirigido por
6 de Fevereiro de 2014 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Classificação L - Livre para todos os públicos
Países de Origem


Big Ballet follows a troupe of plus-size amateur dancers as they attempt to realise their dream of dancing Swan Lake. Rebellious dance legend Wayne Sleep was the shortest dancer ever to make his debut on the Royal Ballet stage and now he wants to unlock the world of ballet for a wider audience and break one of the biggest taboos in ballet: size.

Under the watchful eye of Wayne and prima ballerina Monica Loughman, the dancers attempt to do what some experts say is impossible.

(texto retirado do perfil oficial da fanpage da série no Facebook)


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