Blazing Transfer Student


Hono no Tenkousei (炎の転校生)

Média geral 3.8
baseado em 6 votos
Sua avaliação:

In this series, Takizawa Noboru transfers to a school where all disputes are settled through fighting.[1] He quickly runs afoul of the school bully, Ibuki Saburo, who has a boxing match with "God's Hall Monitor", Jounouchi Kouichi, to determine who will date the lovely Yukari. Takizawa is enraptured with Yukari, and decides to intervene in the fight which Ibuki managed to win by bending the rules. Takizawa loses the fight in the first OVA to Ibuki's deadly finishing punch, but in the second OVA Takizawa develops his own finishing punch and eventually wins the day.

Estreia Mundial:
21 de Maio de 1991
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