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Título Born to Boogie (Original)
Ano produção 1972
Dirigido por
18 de Dezembro de 1972 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 61 minutos
Países de Origem


Born to Boogie is a 1972 concert film based around a concert at Wembley Empire Pool starring Ringo Starr, Marc Bolan and T. Rex. Directed by Starr himself, the movie was released on The Beatles' Apple Films label. Born to Boogie consists of concert footage; recording studio scenes with Ringo Starr and Elton John, filmed at the Apple Studios in Savile Row, London; and various vignettes reminiscent of The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour, shot at Denham and Tittenhurst Park, Sunninghill. The Tea Party sequence was filmed at John Lennon's estate in the same spots as Lennon's "Imagine" video was filmed. The actor Geoffrey Bayldon of Catweazle fame was bemused to find that things were not going to plan when he arrived for the Mad Hatters Tea Party Scene. The planned orchestra had to mime as the whole thing had not been planned too well.

The UK premiere was held at Oscar’s Cinema in Brewer Street, Soho on 14 December 1972, attended by T. Rex, Ringo Starr and Elton John. The film was rereleased on DVD in 2005 with many extras including features presented by Bolan's son, Rolan Bolan. There is no appearance on the extra material from director Ringo Starr.

The cover and DVD animations were designed and produced by Bose Collins

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