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  3. > Canone Inverso - Making Love
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Título Canone Inverso - Making Love (Original)
Ano produção 2000
Dirigido por
2000 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Classificação 18 - Não recomendado para menores de 18 anos
Países de Origem


Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie. It is also the friendship story with David on the background of WWII and the 'Prague spring' 25 years later. Music and Love the most powerful link that could resist through the time.

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