Carol Channing


Carol Channing: Larger than life

Média geral 5.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:

The story of legendary performer Carol Channing's life is as colorful as the lipstick on her big, bright smile. In CAROL CHANNING: LARGER THAN LIFE, director Dori Berinstein (ShowBusiness, Gotta Dance), with co-writer Adam Zucker, captures the magic and vivacity of the 90-year-old icon – both onstage and off...past and present.

The film is both an intimate love story and a rarefied journey inside Broadway's most glamorous era. It is, above all, a look at an inspiring, incomparable and always entertaining American legend.

Estreia Mundial:
18 de Outubro de 2012
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Elenco de Carol Channing

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