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Título Chains (Original)
Ano produção 2005
Dirigido por
30 de Outubro de 2005 ( Mundial )
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Países de Origem


Chains is an Indo-American thriller about the transformational journey of a young Indian woman and a cultural misunderstanding which leads to danger, mystery and the awesome powers that lie within us all. It is the story of Meera and Susan, friends from different lands whose bond transcends nationalities. Meera is a young Indian bride in an arranged marriage to a stern Silicon Valley engineer. As Susan's relationship with Meera grows, she begins to believe that Meera's husband, Ravi, is abusing her, and decides to do something end the abuse - permanently. She prays to Meera's goddess, Kali, for help in her quest, but the help of the gods often comes with unanticipated side affects. Now, to save herself and the man she loves, Meera must embrace her heritage, transcend her limitations and even harness the divine energy of the goddess Kali... or all will be lost.

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