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Everyone we meet has a public face. The one they allow us to see. What if there is another side? A side so dark that it would make our souls shudder...? The film peeps into the seemingly moral world of the great Indian Middle Class with its new aspirations of imported cars & ‘organic food’. With satire as a narrative, here is a voyeuristic look into these relationships and the dark secrets hidden while casually going about ‘normal’ everyday lives.
Meet Vanita & Virendra who are the toast of Model Town. Rasika, the vivacious newly-married girl into their social circle, flirts with the suave, successful Virendra. The plain, naive, small-town wife, Vanita invites her over to share her recipes and kitchen secrets. And, with them, the secrets that lie beneath calm faces and ordinary exteriors ooze out, as well. Chutney is about the tiny Chutneys- inside each of our lives. Chutneys in our families & the Chutneys we make, in the whole world.

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