Dance Me to My Song


Dance Me to My Song

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Média geral 4.0
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The wheelchair-bound Julia (Heather Rose), who cannot walk, feed or dress herself, communicates via her computerized electronic voice synthesizer. Her sympathetic lesbian sister Rix (Rena Owen) is not in a position to take care of her sibling's needs. Instead, Julia depends on an abusive, short-tempered caretaker Madelaine (Joey Kennedy), who calls her a "spastic," abandons her on the toilet, leaves the wheels locked on the wheelchair, and devises further torment by forcing her to watch her intimacies with a parade of boyfriends. This pattern heads in a different direction after Julia bumps her wheelchair into Eddie (John Brumpton), who becomes her companion. But Julia wants love and sex, not just companionship -- and Madelaine is jealous.

Estreia Mundial:
1 de Janeiro de 1999
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