Dear My Sister


복희 누나

Outros títulos
  • Boghui Nuna - Coreia do Sul
  • TV소설 복희 누나 - Coreia do Sul
  • TV Novel: Dear My Sister - Estados Unidos da América
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Bok-Hee (Jang Mi In Nae) is a girl who studies very hard and works at a brewery. She came to the brewery company Dukchun with her younger stepbrother after her mother married Song Byung-Man, the owner of Dukchun. Bok-Hee addresses her mother as "aunt" to avoid getting her mother into trouble. Finally, people learn that Bok-Hee is the daughter. Her stepbrother is sent off to an orphanage and Bok-Hee leaves for Seoul.
Joon-Mo (Ryu Tae-Joon) worked as a stuntman, but due to an injury he had to quit his job and come to Dukchun to work as a temporary teacher. Joon-Mo meets Bok-Hee for the first time when she peers through a classroom window in which he teaches. Joon-Mo sees the passion in her eyes and becomes her mentor.

Estreia Mundial:
7 de Novembro de 2011
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Elenco de Dear My Sister

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