Deixe a Música Tocar


En avant la musique

Outros títulos
  • Music, Forward! - Estados Unidos da América
Média geral 3.4
baseado em 13 votos
Sua avaliação:
3 minutos

“Music Forward!” is the order given by a lady in Colonial costume, and in march a group of five musicians, working industriously at their instruments. The directress stands them in a row, and taking the head off each, throws it onto a huge music staff and each becomes a note of the scale. The whole bodies appear again, after which the manipulator seems to wrap them up in a large sheet of music, which is then shown to contain nothing. The paper is rolled up again, and a cane is held, perpendicularly, in a horizontal position to the sheet.

Estreia Mundial:
14 de Dezembro de 1907
Outras datas

Elenco de Deixe a Música Tocar

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