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Título Famous Authors: Jane Austen (Original)
Ano produção 1996
Dirigido por
1996 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 30 minutos
Classificação L - Livre para todos os públicos
Países de Origem


Generally regarded as the greatest of women novelists, Austen drew from a life that was far from dramatic. The seventh child of a country parson, Austen spent the bulk of her life within her family circle. An attachment to a clergyman who died before they could become engaged was perhaps the most interesting event in a life filled with domestic duties. She had no contact with the London literary scene. Her works are a stark contrast with her lackluster existence. Austen is distinguished by her satirical wit and brilliant comedy. Her subtle view of human nature and unobtrusive style make for writing that has endured the test of time. Some of her most revered works are "Sense and Sensibility", "Pride and Prejudice" and "Mansfield Park".
- Written by G. Forman



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